Pat Mackrell And Paola Garcia Recognized By The Coleman Report

Pat MacKrell American Banker Conferences
Pat MacKrell American Banker Conferences from


It is with great pride that we announce the recognition of Pat Mackrell and Paola Garcia by The Coleman Report. The Coleman Report is a leading publication in the field of small business lending, and their recognition is a testament to the impact that Mackrell and Garcia have had on the industry.

Who are Pat Mackrell and Paola Garcia?

Pat Mackrell and Paola Garcia are two of the most respected and influential figures in the small business lending industry. Mackrell is a veteran banker with over 30 years of experience in commercial lending, while Garcia is a rising star in the industry, having made a name for herself as a leading expert in alternative lending.

Their Achievements

Over the years, Mackrell and Garcia have made significant contributions to the small business lending industry. Mackrell has been instrumental in developing innovative lending products that help small businesses access the capital they need to grow and thrive. Garcia, on the other hand, has been a vocal advocate for alternative lending solutions, which have become increasingly important in today's ever-changing business landscape.

The Coleman Report Recognition

The Coleman Report's recognition of Mackrell and Garcia is a significant achievement and a well-deserved honor. The publication's editorial team recognized the pair for their tireless work in advancing the small business lending industry and their commitment to helping entrepreneurs achieve their goals.

Why This Matters

Small Business Lending is Vital to the Economy

Small businesses are the backbone of the economy, and the ability to access capital is critical to their success. Mackrell and Garcia's work in the small business lending industry has helped countless entrepreneurs achieve their dreams and create jobs in their communities.

Recognition Encourages Further Innovation

Recognition from a publication as respected as The Coleman Report is a powerful motivator for further innovation. Mackrell and Garcia's recognition will inspire others in the industry to continue pushing the boundaries and finding new ways to help small businesses succeed.

The Future of Small Business Lending

Technology Will Play an Increasingly Important Role

Technology is rapidly transforming the small business lending industry, and Mackrell and Garcia have been at the forefront of this change. As technology continues to evolve, we can expect to see even more innovative lending solutions that make it easier for entrepreneurs to access the capital they need.

Alternative Lending Will Continue to Grow

Alternative lending has already become an important part of the small business lending landscape, and this trend is only going to continue. As traditional lending institutions struggle to keep up with the changing needs of small businesses, alternative lenders like Garcia will become even more important.


The recognition of Pat Mackrell and Paola Garcia by The Coleman Report is a significant achievement and a testament to their contributions to the small business lending industry. Their work has helped countless entrepreneurs achieve their dreams and create jobs in their communities. As the industry continues to evolve, we can expect to see even more innovation and growth, and Mackrell and Garcia will undoubtedly play a vital role in shaping its future.

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