Ppp Loan Program Updates: What You Need To Know About The New Forgiveness Rules 2

Treasury Issues New FAQs On PPP Loan What You Need To Know
Treasury Issues New FAQs On PPP Loan What You Need To Know from www.forbes.com

The PPP Loan Program: A Quick Overview

The Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loan program was introduced by the US government to help small businesses affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. The program provided loans to eligible businesses to cover payroll and other essential expenses for up to 24 weeks. The loans were fully forgivable if the businesses met certain criteria, including using at least 60% of the loan amount for payroll expenses.

New Forgiveness Rules for PPP Loans

Recently, the government has announced new forgiveness rules for PPP loans that have created confusion among business owners. Here are the key updates that you need to know:

1. Simplified Forgiveness Application

The government has introduced a simplified forgiveness application for PPP loans of $150,000 or less. The new form requires businesses to provide only basic information about the loan, such as the loan amount, disbursement date, and number of employees retained. This new form will make the forgiveness process much easier for smaller businesses.

2. Expanded Eligibility for Non-payroll Expenses

Previously, businesses were required to use at least 60% of the loan amount for payroll expenses in order to be eligible for full loan forgiveness. However, the new rules have expanded the eligibility criteria to include non-payroll expenses such as rent, utilities, and other operational expenses. Now, businesses can use up to 40% of the loan amount for non-payroll expenses and still be eligible for full loan forgiveness.

3. Changes to Employee Retention Requirements

Under the previous rules, businesses were required to retain all employees in order to be eligible for full loan forgiveness. However, the new rules have relaxed this requirement and now allow businesses to reduce their workforce by up to 25% and still be eligible for full loan forgiveness. Additionally, businesses that were unable to rehire employees or find suitable replacements are now eligible for forgiveness.

4. Extension of the Covered Period

The covered period for PPP loans was originally set at 24 weeks. However, the new rules have extended this period to 29 weeks, giving businesses more time to use the loan funds for eligible expenses.

5. Additional Forgiveness Requirements

The new rules also include additional forgiveness requirements such as the requirement to maintain certain levels of employee compensation and the requirement to provide documentation supporting the use of loan funds.


The new forgiveness rules for PPP loans have made the forgiveness process much easier for small businesses. However, it is important to understand these rules and ensure that your business meets the eligibility criteria before applying for forgiveness. If you have any questions or concerns about the PPP loan program, it is recommended that you seek the advice of a qualified financial professional.

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