What Recovery Programs Are Available For Small Businesses In 2023?

CCCC News from www.cccc.edu


Small businesses are the backbone of our economy, but they are often the most vulnerable during times of crisis. The COVID-19 pandemic has forced many businesses to close their doors, and those that have survived are struggling to stay afloat. Fortunately, there are recovery programs available to help small businesses get back on their feet. In this article, we will explore some of the recovery programs available in 2023.

Small Business Administration (SBA) Loans

The Small Business Administration (SBA) offers loans to small businesses affected by natural disasters, including pandemics. These loans can be used to cover operating expenses, such as payroll and rent. The SBA also offers Economic Injury Disaster Loans (EIDL) to businesses that have suffered a substantial economic injury.

Employee Retention Tax Credit

The Employee Retention Tax Credit (ERTC) is a refundable tax credit that helps businesses keep their employees on payroll. The credit is worth up to 70% of eligible wages and can be used to offset payroll taxes. To qualify for the ERTC, businesses must have experienced a significant decline in revenue due to COVID-19.

Paycheck Protection Program

The Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) is a loan program designed to help businesses keep their employees on payroll. The loans are forgivable if the business uses the funds for eligible expenses, such as payroll, rent, and utilities. The PPP has been extended through 2023, providing additional support to small businesses.

State and Local Grants

Many states and local governments offer grants to small businesses affected by COVID-19. These grants can be used to cover operating expenses, such as rent, utilities, and payroll. Eligibility requirements vary by state and locality, so businesses should check with their local government for more information.

Industry-Specific Programs

Some industries have specific recovery programs available. For example, the Restaurant Revitalization Fund provides grants to restaurants and bars affected by the pandemic. The Shuttered Venue Operators Grant provides funding to live venue operators, theatrical producers, and other related businesses.

Debt Relief

The SBA also offers debt relief to businesses with existing SBA loans. This relief includes a six-month payment deferral and a waiver of loan fees. The SBA will also pay the principal and interest on new 7(a) and 504 loans issued before September 27, 2023.

Business Counseling

The SBA also offers business counseling to help small businesses navigate the recovery process. This counseling is free and can help businesses develop a recovery plan, access funding, and identify new opportunities for growth.


Small businesses are facing unprecedented challenges in 2023, but there are recovery programs available to help. From SBA loans to industry-specific programs, businesses have options for accessing funding and support. It is important for businesses to explore all available options and work with their local government and business counselors to develop a recovery plan. With the right support, small businesses can weather this storm and emerge stronger than ever.

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